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Will the Anti Smoking Law in England Drive Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Internet?

An abundance has been written in the papers recently concerning the bingo industry being hurt as a result of the anti cigarette law in Britain. Things have become so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has requested massive aid to assist in keeping the businesses from going bankrupt. But will the web variation of this classic game offer a lifeline, or might it not compare to its land based peer?

Bingo has been an classic game generally played by the "blue rinse" generation. In any case the game recently had seen a recent increase in acceptance with younger men and women deciding to hit the bingo parlors rather than the discos on a weekend. This is all about to be reversed with the enacting of the anti smoking law all over UK.

Players will no longer be allowed to smoke at the same time marking numbers. Starting in the summer of 2007 every public place will not be allowed to permit smoking in their venues and this includes Bingo parlors, which are possibly the most common locations where folks like to smoke.

The effects of the smoking ban can already be looked at in Scotland where cigarettes are already forbidden in the bingo halls. Profits have dropped and the industry is literally fighting for to stay alive. But where did the players go? Of course they have not forgotten this age old game?

The answer is on the web. People realise that they can wager on bingo from their computer at the same time enjoying a beverage and smoke and still have a chance at massive prizes. This is a recent phenomenon and has timed itself bordering on perfect with the anti cigarette law.

Of course gambling on online is unlikely to replace the social portion of going over to the bingo hall, but for a group of players the governing edicts have left a lot of bingo enthusiasts with no option.

Posted in Bingo.

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